Sunday, January 28, 2007


I am always aware of my mother,
ominous, threatening,
a pain in the depths of my consciousness.
My mother is like a shell,
so easily broken.
Yet the fact that I was born
bearing my mother's shadow
cannot be changed.
She is like a cherished, bitter dream
my nerves cannot forget
even after I awake.
She prevents all freedom of movement.
If I move she quickly breaks,
and the splinters stab me.
--written by Nagase Kiyoko

came across this poem that spoke to me in whispers...then in screams. My mother and I play this game of labels very well. I have tried to scrape off the past imprints she has left within my skin. Bled to be purified of her legacy. easier said than done. It seems everytime i forgive and open myself up again...because it seems she has changed..her venom blinds me once again. This is true for a couple of relationships in my life, and the reason enough was enough. Had to let it go. So much harder to do though when its your mother. The ties that bind run deep. We talk occasionally, pleasantries exchanged...but one can always feel that underlying emotion.
I remember as a child secretly wishing for another who would fight back when my father used her as a punching bag, one who was checked into their child's life, one who was the dream in my head of what a mother should be.
but the other mother never came
but i survived her, and hopefully a better mother to my own. it's hard when you don't have a strong blueprint to follow.I love my mother, but she is in denial about so much. even questions my own memories, as if they weren't my own. She's in her 60's now, and she always used to look so young...but lately i noticed age is coming fast, and bitterness has set well in her wrinkled lines. Time is of the essence
Is it possible to make peace with someone and still have pain?
like unsaid said...binge love, purge pain


Copasetic Soul said...

your post is deeply emotional...i love my mother...but her venom still stings...

im glad that you are trying to purge..and find have the strength to do so my sister.

Shelle said...

copa, thank you..i'm trying. this is not a woe is me post,please feel sorry for me post lol...just dealing with it ya know, stronger because of it...even still.

Ebony Stewart said...

You know how I feel about my moms!

CousinSarah said...

Wow ma. Good, you have needed that release for a long time. And yes, I think you can make peace with someone and still be hurt. You can understand why, accept apologies...all that, it doesnt change the fact the action hurt ya know?

Keep your head up...keep purgin with your pen poet.

Anonymous said...

binge love, purge pain...definitely easier said than done!!

I've had issues with my mom for years and just recently made peace with her. In my case, I was ready to release the pain and I made a conscious decision to let it go. I think you can make peace with your mom & still have the pain, because to me, pain is not something that goes away, especially when its deep, emotional pain. I think that type of pain has to be dealt with on a spiritual/mental/emotional level, and then you have to let go of it. That's how it was with me. I had to confront my mom about everything that made me angry at her. That was hard, and I cried in the process, but i got it all out. She listened and it made communication between us so much better. But, I think she was just as ready to hear it as I was to say it to her. It makes it a easier when/if your mother is willing to hear you out and consider what you are saying. Well...I hope that helped out a bit. And I wish you & your mother all the best in your relationship- much love, peace & healing between you two!


Shelle said...

eb, i know ma and you are truly blessed to have a mother like you do.

sarah, sometimes i worry i might let too much out...will i be able to shut the gates? thank you for understanding.

ub, in a lot of ways i have made peace w/in myself..otherwise i wouldn't be able to speak to her at all. your words and understanding mean a lot...yes it does help...thank you

Angel said...

"Is it possible to make peace with someone and still have pain?"