Monday, January 29, 2007


when you are ready
i will be be here
no questions asked
place apologies upon my lips
as your arms encircle my waist
tuck your regrets behind my ear
cast reflections of forever in your eyes

when you are ready
i will be here
getting this house in order
sweeping my mind clean
rearranging my heart
throwing out the baggage
so everything fits just right
making room for even more

when you are ready
i will be here
keeping this thickness thick
and this sweetness even sweeter
having secret conversations with Venus
creating new pictures for Sutra
an aphrodisiac i will become
to satisfy all your cravings

when you are ready
i will be here
to stand close at your side
with one hand holding your back
the other holding your hand
for i will uplift you and strengthen you
the best i know how
royalty you are
to your forever Queen

when you are ready
i will be here
waiting patiently
you better pray for open arms
and not a glock nine!

lol, sorry, thats not the real ending...just thought it was funny...and dammit i needed the laugh!!


CousinSarah said...

girl WHATEVER. That is a freakin FABULOUS ending!!! lol. I CANNOT
stop laughin over here.

"splace apologies upon my lips
as your arms encircle my waist
tuck your regrets behind my ear
cast reflections of forever in your eyes"


Anonymous said...

I love this poem, the words, the feelings & emotions behind it, its wonderful! I love it because I can relate to it and I've felt this way before!

Shelle said...

sarah,- lol thanks girl...we had a good laugh over it huh?!

urban, why thank you...don't know where the last line came from...but thought it was funny. hmm might keep it.

Raging Bull said...

I agree with Sarah. Keep the ending. It is great.

Ebony Stewart said...

"when you are ready
i will be be here
no questions asked
place apologies upon my lips
as your arms encircle my waist
tuck your regrets behind my ear
cast reflections of forever in your eyes"


Shelle said...

david, i think i just might...thanks

eb, thank you babygirl...yeah i like that one a lot too

angel, lol you would lol