Friday, March 30, 2007

Quite Tragic Isn't It...?

You are so beautiful
yet so ugly
how can the two co-exist
w/o at least one dying?
i forgive you (again)
i pray for you
much peace
much love


layne bowden said...

wow, shelle.

i'm definitely FEELING this one! isn't it crazee sometimes how 2 such extremes can exist within the character of one person? reminds me of a conversation i had jus yesterday when i told somebody that i definitely love them; but i jus didn't like them very much.

anyway... have a magnificent weekend!!

peace, love and hugs!

Lyrically speaking said...

Another beautiful pic, beauty has no color or texture, very well-displayed.

Shelle said...

jus b, u r so right. its hard to understand the extremes sometimes, so i stop trying to understand a long time ago...but still wish them well.

lyrically, thanks ma

Anonymous said...

beautifully ugly... interesting contrast.

where there is love, hate is just around the corner.