Tuesday, May 16, 2006

90 Days to a Better Me

so i guess i'm following a lil of Mo's footsteps, and some things i need to continue doing anyway. calling it 90 days to a better me. started may 8th, got a lil sidetrack recently, but reconnected with myself last night. its all good in the neighborhood.
something so peaceful about sleeping under the stars on a cool night....well before my siberian husky wanted to join me on the giant pillow...she sheds!!
anyway, i meditated for awhile, let some things go, took in some things, talked to God and the universe.....then saw a fallen star.
yep, on the right track!
I have cut out red meat, and something weird is happening with the resto of the meats...looking really gross lately! guess that is a good thing, since i eventually want to cut out all of it anyway....long ways down the line though.
i am so much older now, and i have got to take care of what i put in this body.
--so better eating, eventually get to what the earth provides from its ground only.
--meditation daily.
--some form of exercise at least 30min. daily.
--write daily in journal
--investigate the dark places, you know the ones we avoid feeling or dealing with
--cradle the pieces in me that are wounded or crippled...watch them soften and transform (reading Succulent Wild Woman by SARK....wonderful!!)
--get back in touch with my creative self...i was a helluva artist at one time...got to find that again
--lots more details, but this is the meat(eww, i meant lettuce lol) of it...and i believe if i stick to it, i will be a better mother for my children and a better woman to him.
So there ya go..
until next time...


Angel said...

please! whatchu know about SARK? "make more mistakes," "be delicious," "paint your soul..." stuff like that, i can definitely get down with! ;)

joey said...

i love your lettuce...

Shelle said...

LOL, girl i love me some SARK, i have most of her books...lately though they have just been really talking to me ya know...

hee hee jo, love my lettuce lol


Sounds like the beginning of solace, upon arrival send me a post card and pic telling me how it is...

unsaid said...

your 90 day plan sounds tight...i need to get on something like that! And I have never heard of SARK but I'm going to look that up because that sounds right up my alley!