Thursday, January 31, 2008

Reminded Everyday...

--for the Creator & She, and the the breath they allow to fill these lungs
--for the nights the words will not let me sleep
--for reconnecting with my beautiful cousins, nice to know as long as i have been looking for have been looking for me
--for taylor bringing all her grades up and having more confidence in math now YEAH!
--for the sanctuary of my bedroom...and peace of mind
--for real talk...because i love you
--for writing poems together just for her
--for being that excited lil boy...u r too cute
--for you trusting me with your heart
--for a lil bit of sunshine on the dark days
--for just hanging out and being silly girl
--for the addiction of text twist
--for good books and good music
--for paying attention to the feeling in my gut...sux..but necessary
--for those of you who care enough to you


Angel said...

"--for real talk...because i love you
--for you trusting me with your heart"

yes yes yes! i have been saying the exact same sentences to [him] for awhile now and i think that FINALLY they are sinking in...

Ebony Stewart said...

Awesome list! So much to be grateful for. And even more so, congrats to the baby and her grades! Reflection of a good parent (smile).

my coffee is always said...

for the night the words won't let me sleep... may I borrow this line?

Shelle said...

angel...keep saying it to him, even in whispers
eb...aww thanks sis, she has been working really hard
kim...of course, take it and paint the beautiful picture around it poet