Monday, January 07, 2008

To You

not overly poetic, but more of a free write.
for some reason...for some reason...i am here with you....

i wear your pain
like the necklace you placed on my neck
fingers trembling
scared to give away
what you have been so comfortable with
all these years
i will take your gift with care
so you will have less to bare...

feel you hang between my breasts
near beating heart
needing its next rhythm
like a baby in the womb
lulled to sleep in sweet waters
dream child dream

let the backs of wings carry you
from this chaotic state of mind
wrap you in serenity and peace of mind
find a new place to call home
did you truly ever have one my child?

fly far away from demons and elves
who are watching and deceiving
do not listen to their lies
jealous of your beautiful light
make you believe bleeding is the only way
make you believe death is home
they want to taste your greatness
they know the truth...
your survival
is their demise
your survival
brings joy to the High One
they cannot allow His smile

He is able
teaching me to be able
so give me what you cannot bare
i will accept all gifts
travel this path together
sometimes i will go a few steps ahead
to clear the road
other times perhaps fall a few steps behind
to clear my mind
but whenever you think i am not there
just reach
and feel my hand.....


my coffee is always said...

ok.. i like it. can't wait for you to finalize it...

Copasetic Soul said...

Ohhhh, that was a nice drop. i like!

i wanna hear about your new years eve!!

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

love the allogory. nice blog, do chk me out sometimes

Ebony Stewart said...

"let the backs of wings carry you
from this chaotic state of mind
wrap you in serenity and peace of mind"

Nice. Very nice!

joey said...

just beautiful shelle....beautiful

Shelle said...

kim...thank you...but i don't think this one i will finish...who knows
copa...uh no words for new years ok...leave it alone lol...
torrence...thanks sir and i will
eb...thank you