Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Pride Or Prejudice?

My daughter was honored for outstanding academics today. I am so proud of her. The best of the best are called Grizzly Pride at her school, nominated each year by a teacher. This is her second year receiving this honor. again i am so proud. Unfortunately, the teacher her nominated her had been absent all last week, and was not there today either. So Taylor asked if she could have her picture taken with her parents, minus the teacher. A few teachers standing around, asked if any of her other teachers were present. Taylor said yes, and named a couple. One teacher said, "Oh I know, let me get Ms. Johnson to take a picture with you." I'm thinking who is Ms. Johnson, and of course this teacher brings back with her in tow....the only black woman in the room....the only black woman in the school. Don't get me wrong, Ms. Johnson is a very sweet and beautiful woman, and Taylor likes her as well. My question is, even after pointing other teachers out, why would she run to get this particular woman, who Taylor does not know? I shouldn't say particular, because like i said she was it as far as color goes in this school. Oh, and my beautiful daughter was the only black student nominated last year...just like this year. Sooooo am i just being overly sensitive to think she possibly could be a "token" child. I don't want to take away from her outstanding achievement in anyway, because she did outright earn this honor....but i'm just saying!!


joey said...

crazy little place we call home...congrats to little miss t. she is so amazing shelle, i know you know... she's simply beautiful!

bRandy said...

congratulations to taylor and to you as her mother...for even if she was chosen partially as "the one"- the token child, it makes them more ignorant, but it makes her even more amazing...to be the sole chosen one, and their ignorance may well backfire and propel her to the heights she truly deserves but may have been hindered from by the next wave of ignoramus's.....


You are on the right path in your thinking, however, if she deserves the award she should be honored. Concerning the picture, you should have requested she take a picture with the principal since her teacher was not there; only one choice for them to make... Congrats on her nomination and winning!!!!!

CousinSarah said...

We always worry about what is happenin with our babies girl. And want them to get all life deserves. I agree with Slump...bring on the principal.

Give her a hug.

Copasetic Soul said...

congrats to your baby...YAY! I too agree with Slump...should have been the principal.

Shelle said...

yes, i agree as well about the principal....but she was out on med leave lol...
mommy is very proud of her...ms smarty pants
i always want her to be aware of her world though.
my father always said, you have to work twice as hard for them to think you are half as good...
thank you guys for the congrats, i will pass it on to her

my coffee is always said...


Angel said...

i was bussed to an elementary school and can remember feeling similarly many times. i have alwas said, if you're gonna be a token, be worth your price! yep slump, get the damn principal!