Saturday, February 09, 2008

'Tis Good, 'Tis Good

--for how the Universe listens to all that we scream and be careful
--for the Universe also teaching me to be still and listen
--learning the power of meditation
--for a great night out with a special woman
--for the new people in my life and instant connections
--for her giving spirit
--for letting go of ghosts...damn why so hard
--for hilarious books and laughing outloud
--for learning new words over breakfast with my big brother and my lil black panther
--for support even when i screw up royally
--for our brother shameless coming back into the fold...see i knew you needed it...we did too
--for the way your eyes caress my skin
--for learning its okay to change the roles...i am still here for you
--for setting the bar high...thanks lalove
--for finding out you will be slamming in our, a lil shocked but honored...whew will have to step my game up fo sho
--for what is turning into a really great and blessed year...and its only February...yes Lord...always a good thing

1 comment:

Copasetic Soul said...

Good list sis....i need to learn the power of meditation..