Monday, February 25, 2008


...find a way back. find a way forward. find your way through. find lots of women whose company you enjoy and, in the end, find yourself. find the missing link in your history, the one that explains your lingering sadness. find out what makes you feel most alive, and find ways to give it to yourself often. find the real questions before you worry about finding the answers. find a woman writer you adore and read everything ever written by her, for her, or about her. find a stone shaped like a heart and keep it in your pocket (and you did). find the truth behind people's hollow words. find a new, heatlthier, more satifying way to be in relationship with your lover. when you can't find what you're looking for, find the strength to keep on searching. eventually, you'll find what you need.
--rachel snyder


my coffee is always said...

I'm really loving these little tidbit lessons. They are like chocolate chips, purely satisfying without being overwhelming. You know?

Shelle said...

lol, yep you are so right...i love ' on point, have had it for years...but just now SEEING it!