Tuesday, February 26, 2008


...get out of your own way and let your life flow with the grace of a clear mountain stream. stop trying to orchestrate and manage your way through life. stop trying to swim against the current; the struggle will get you nowhere and will exhaust you in the process. flow into and out of your days without clinging desperately to worn-out ideas, deadened hopes, lifeless relationships. let go and let flow. spend time on the banks of a river, creek, or waterfall. feel the serenity and ease of the effortless flow. remember how a stone that is tumbled and carried by the flow ends up smooth and polished with no rough, ragged edges. be that stone and go with the flow.
--rachel snyder

let go and let flow....one of my new mottos for sure going into this new millenium for me. for my own sanity.
sometimes we are our own worse enemies getting in our own way...fighting against the current, self sabatoge, holding onto shiznit we don't have any business holding onto...or holding on way past the shelf life lol! my struggle...but i know not just my own
...i continue to flow


CousinSarah said...

Did they write that for me??? Man I I can just flow and stop hyperanalyzing every single thing, smoother it would be.

I love this.

Shelle said...

yep for you...and for us all...an amazing lil book