Friday, October 05, 2007


remember that life is in the being, not the doing. be every bit of everything that you are. be tough, be soft, be dramatic, be subdued. be a little bit of this and a little bit of that. be the one who always shows up on time or be the one who lives according to her own inner clock. be the one who never forgets a detail or be the one who never remembers. be happy when you feel like it and be sad when you're down. be who you are--not who they told you you should be. be able to cry in front of someone you hardly know, if it's time to cry, be willing to be real. be talkative if you are; be quiet if you're not. be ready to drop your masks and your protective armour and be genuine. be in the moment, be in the light. and just when they think they know exactly who you are, be prepared to be something altogether different.

--from 365 Words of Well-Being for Women by Rachel Syder


CousinSarah said...


Next time we hang I gotta see this book! This should be repeated daily!

Andrew The Asshole said...

You have alot of nuggets of wisdom

Lyrically speaking said...

Oh yeah, cooooooooooooool post, it's been a while since i've visited your world Shelle, glad to be back to check on you

Angel said...

this one is way MORE than just on point...