Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Another reason to be Grateful...

--for the Creator & She...thank you for allowing me to breathe another day
--for life...its too precious
--for the women in my life, and the bonds that are strengthening
--for knowing Shazza The Great...and her Beautifully strong mother Sheila...one does not have a child that wondrous, without a mother's guidance
--for the poets who have come together, trying to mend the wounds
--for the poets who rocked the sanctuary walls
--for peace of mind
--for speaking my mind for peace of mind
--for our team working hard at crunch time
--for allowing myself to become vulnerable...even for a moment
--for hellacious poetry house parties...none like em
--for the gathering in the back around the table
--for the youth...damn for the youth and their words...i mean wow
--for the way you look at me
--for the right music for every occasion...for every tear..for every laugh...for every smile
--for missing you
--for cleansing tears
--for stepping away...hurts like hell though
--for his giddiness...we all want this kind of happiness...and love
--for making it official soon
--for new friends
--for forgiveness
--for my children...for my children
--for the bond between i and the young souljah
--for laughs until the tears come...always a good thing
--for chill moments just listening to the wind in the trees...they speak you know

1 comment:

CousinSarah said...

Girl...I third, forth and fifth it on the youth...

they are phenomenal...for real

And yes, that was a GREAT poetry party!