Tuesday, May 22, 2007

let fingers dig deep within
under soft flesh
and sinuous veins
bend my spine to fit neatly in your existance
breathe life into my womb
so i can bring you forth
recreate us in a new light of understanding
of love
of honor
of truth
speak secrets into my hair carefully
wind each one inside curls
wrapped around fingertips
massage almond oil into the creases of my eyes
with your eager lips
so tears slide away quickly
and pool less often

they have no place here....



Lines like these are probably why you're on the slam team yet again...

"breathe life into my womb
so i can bring you forth
recreate us in a new light of understanding"

Great write!

CousinSarah said...

massage almond oil into the creases of my eyes
with your eager lips
so tears slide away quickly
and pool less often

I love this part of the piece shelle, its beautiful