Saturday, May 03, 2008


Once or twice.

three times at the most.

then quit your complaining, and get over it.

it might make you feel well, but the rest of us are sick and tired of hearing it!!
--rachel snyder

lol, this one had me laughing and saying HELL YES!
you know we all know someone who is like this...whining about their life or somebody else or something else non-stop. okay...yeah...say it, then get moving...or what ya going to do about it? venting is good, i might add...there is a place for it...but you also need to know when to shut the hell up and do something about it. quit sitting in your own shit, get the broom out and clean your mess up!
whew...i needed to say that, i think...

1 comment:

my coffee is always said...

that's funny. somehow, i believe a broom doesn't always do the trick. LOL