Wednesday, October 08, 2008


...look at yourself, how beautiful you are. look at the love that pours from your eyes, look at how your wisdom and experience are written all over your face. look at the beauty of other women. all of them. look at their lips, full and ripe, thin and dry. look at their skin, smooth and wrinkled, creamy and course, olive and terra-cotta and peach and ebony and freckled and scarred. look at how women move. see them stride, see them shuffle, see them with eyes on the ground and eyes on the sky. see them inch slowly like the turtle; see them fly like the eagle. look at the muscles in a woman's body; look at the serenity in a blind woman's face; look at the rugged hands of a laborer. look at every person you meet with compassion and love. look for the good in their hearts and you're sure to stumble on the good in your own.
--from Rachel Snyder's 365 Words of Well-Being for Women

these particular words capture how i feel about women in general...we all are beautiful and unique...and i wish we would actually SEE that in one another.
much love
continued peace
for all of you

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