Sunday, October 05, 2008

Live... long as you're alive, why not live? live life to the fullest. live it up. live in the moment. live as though you had only twenty-four hours to live. live the life you've always wanted. live for yourself--not for others, alive or dead. live on the edge a bit, it's the only place from which you can take a leap. live the life that is yours alone. live wherever you want, with whomever you want, however you want, but live! don't just get a life--create one. don't just step into someone else's life--design your own. don't confuse real life with what you see on tv or at the movies. live free or die. live so that when you're dead, people will remark less on what you did in life--and more on how you lived.
--from Rachel Synder's 365 Words of Well-Being for Women

really...nothing else needs to be

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