Wednesday, December 12, 2007


--for the Creator & She and sustaining Grace
--for dismissed cases....YEAH!!
--for cold days, though this can't make up its mind weather is driving me nuts...i'll take the cold, no rain, for 200 Alex
--for close library's with internet
--for yummy omelets from a crazy place called The Omelettry...seriously lol
--for babygirl and all the new possibilities...don't you dare feel guilty for your taking charge of your own happiness
--for understanding the pain you are going through...unfortunately our circles are small...but love is big
--for great goodwill finds and my decorating hands
--for inspiration
--for not having to hear you talk about yourself ever again lol...and you probably don't have a clue
--for jessica playing in my hair...quality time together can be so beautiful...sigh she has grown so much
--for her saying she WANTS to go back to school next year...thank GOD
--for the way my puppy Theo keeps me laughing and how he needs to be no further than 5ft away from me at all dog for sure
--for giving myself 90 days to get it together...90 days!!!!!
--for new pieces flowing...already working on 2 more...the poet gods are being generous...thank you thank you!
--for slamming again against some good poets...great show
--for seeing how funny you are on the mic, missed ya hosting lady...good job
--for good chocolate...nothing like it


joey said...

thank you ma'am, it's a tough one... you are appreciated ;-)

my coffee is always said...

the omlettetry is no joke... congrats last week, you guys made for a HOT AZZ show.. Am happy that the pieces are coming together.. and 90 days, why not a lifetime as long as you are moving toward growth and personal reward?

Ebony Stewart said...

So glad the case was dismissed!
Congrats to your baby having a want to go back to school!
You'll get it together before 90days boo!
Chocolate covered that's good!
The show was crazy, and you did that!
13 as host, looked great.

Good list.

Hearts curve