Thursday, June 21, 2007

There Is Always A Reason...

--for the Creator & Gaia..always sustaining, always blessing
--for these beautiful 9 reasons above
--for my laid back personality, must have with these days lol
--for seeing things new through their eyes
--for joy
--for missing you terribly, but everything for a reason
--for not understanding why, but understanding it was a passionate season for us all
--for new possibilities
--for great photo shoots
--for her saying i have a peaceful spirit, often we do not see/feel what others see
--for love
--for family
--for seeing are an amazing strong woman babygirl, and i will keep saying it until you get it...

1 comment:

Copasetic Soul said...

im so diggin that should make them all a copy then give it to them ten years from now.

they would love that.