Monday, June 04, 2007

Mountain! Get Out Of My Way!

Its been awhile, but...i am in a really good place right now. yes there are still issues, but no crazy drama...and i think a lot of that has to do with putting certain people out of my life or at least at bay. my view was blurred by false promises, but hey its life and it regrets...just teaching moments, right.?!
let folks think what they will about me. i know the truth.
i am very comfortable in my skin, despite the extra fluffiness put on in the past year and a half. i am still beautiful. still crazy. still me. the # on the scale does not dictate how i live my life anymore. if i choose to lose anything, it will be my choice, not 'cause OMG i gotta fit in a size ___! OMG i've got to purge this out of me (hey been there done the tshirt)OMG i can't eat that! OMG i hate myself...nah none of that anymore or any other negative self talk. yeah it still comes up, but best believe when the voices start...i punch them in the mouth and shut their asses up!!
my family is well, my kids are great, well 2 of them moreso than the 3rd. i pray for my Jessica often, and as much as i wish things were different...i can't live her life for her, just be there for her when it gets too tough.
my man is great, yes we still have issues...who doesn't, but i know at the end of the day no matter what, he's got my back, and i am his soft place to fall...though most days he is the one who has softened my stumbles.
no, i don't know what tomorrow holds...nor the next moment, yet the stronghold i have on me...well hey, this girl going to be just fine.
All things through the Creator and She

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