Saturday, June 11, 2005


he writes from his very soul
passion from his veins
throbs into his brain
until it cannot be contained
metaphors and similes bow down to his command
as long slender fingers write
what a broken soul tucks away
the pen finds it
redefines it
and pulls it thru
sometimes the words burn holes in the paper
'cause the devil knows he is losing this soul
So he tries another way to keep a hold
Give him the mic, and make it powerful
Give him a name "without mercy"
Give him this aphrodisiac he and they
cannot resist
Don't give him clarity
Give them and he superficiality
for the moment
in the meantime
Keep his head clouded
Keep his blood intoxicated
Direct him from his path
From his destiny
An angel's tears,like shattered glass
etch lines of forgiveness down her face
she screams thru muted whisphers
and the gates of hell fall open
releasing his transgressions upon the back of an angel's torn wing


CousinSarah said...

Men and women see through different lenses girl. And perception is a big thing for men. Just keep talkin to him sister. An old friend of mine used to say, sometimes, its that 13th voice, it takes the first 12 for them to hear it and the 13th may be the one that helps them get it. When you care for someone and have a real friendship, you have to be able to be honest with each other, even when the truth is very uncomfortable. We all have times in our lives when we lose focus, need help, support, people to love us through that period in your life where you are makin the bad choices, who tell you but love you anyway. Just keep bein there, and then the rest is up to the person.

bRandy said...

as i said about you in my blog today, you have an uncanny way of calming my soul with your beautiful words--even when speaking about pain...or maybe i should say especially when speaking about pain. you are truly special...and i hope that you know that.