Friday, June 17, 2005

To Be Still

There is always an inner voice whispering to us, even within this madness of loudness we call life. I am learning to become still again. Learning to be quiet and listen again. I have been so loud w/in myself and outside myself, that the screams of life is the only way "She" has gotten my attention lately. Basically, sending me to my corner until i "get it" time out. Brandy reminded me of what i was and still am...a listener and an observer. I too, find myself talking way too much than i should lately. My words, to some, seem to get misunderstood, judged and misdirected...forgive me, for my heart means no harm. I make others laugh to keep myself from crying. Life asks a lot from me, but now its time for me to ask a lot from life. Even in my new found remembered silence. Its okay to be quiet, to be still. Perhaps we keep busy so we don't have to deal w/ "us", or to find out who we really are. Less verbal from me does not mean knowing less of me. My silence and my observational presence speaks volumes, just take the time to actually see me and you will hear me. Read me like the next best seller.
I love to hear people talk about themselves, but i often listen for what they DON'T say. I can FEEL people when I am around them. See what they hide. I remember as a lil girl, my daddy would bring me around his friends and often ask me what do i feel about them. He would always listen to me when i felt people didn't have my daddy's best interest at heart, or were just not right. I need to get back to this place w/in myself, for people always will show u who they really are...even thru faulty smiles and hugs.So don't think i am withdrawing, on the contrary, i am really plugging into my life. Yes, silence makes people uncomfortable, but it really is okay. Right now, it is what i need and what i crave. To find the lil girl in this woman of two, so she can teach me again the ways of before. To teach me simply the beauty of me.


bRandy said...

Oh how it seems sometimes that we are the same side of two different coins. i know we grew up in seperate worlds and live different lives everyday, but there definitely seems to be something kindred about us. it is so refreshing to know that someone--especially someone like you--feels me on this (and other issues). a friend of mine, on reading my blog, voiced her concern that my being quiet would make it harder for people to know me deeply and that i was retreating. i wish i had had your words at that time to respond to her with. i said something similar, but with a far less eloquent flair...something more like "chill out baby--i'm still right here--you weren't getting to know the real me with all that talking anyway--if you want to know the REAL me, you will cherish the calm and quiet that represent my soul"
i look forward to your posts--getting to know you more, even when just reading your words on computer, somehow leave me feeling both more understanding and understood.
love ya!

my coffee is always said...

good luck on your path to re-self discovery. I am having the time of my life on my journey back to me. Some of the greatest sites I have ever seen lie just within my minds eye. I look forward to the poems, journals and posts that may come from this experience.