Monday, September 17, 2007


rainbows are not necessary
as long as i can capture the moon
place it on this tongue
to taste rhythm
and ease these blues

don't swallow
allow communion to melt slowly
with purpose
with healing
let tides wash through veins
and waves splash against chamber walls
cleanse whatever has adhered itself

purging goes deeper than what fingers can ever find
therefore find me
in the deepest regions of self
behind mardi gras masks
and plastic trinkets
in between tattered boxes
and broken glass carousels
she is there waiting

the lil' girl with wild flowers
braided into her hair
bandages on unkissed knees
purple paint on her cheeks
because Grandmother said,
purple was the color of royalty

who once found her throne
in tops of trees
and butterflies mistook her
for nectar
played games with those unseen
played until the seen said...
you are different
their is no place for you here

ashamed was the new color
painted in streaks across her cheeks
the wildness began to leave her
hard to be yourself
when the ground was taught to be safer than the wind
and butterflies were meant for jars

she is there though
amidst the forgotten
knees pulled close under bruised chin
hit repeatedly on the way down from the treetops
silver locket of giggles
hangs broken around her neck
torn dreams in clenched fists
and moonstones under her nail beds
she was just that close to the sky

take her hand
hug me tight
release purple tears
to stain colorless cheeks
absorb into self
feel the wildness grow tendrils
creeping through cracked foundations
laugh at the unseen's jokes
let butterflies kiss fingertips
and carry back to the moon...
for this communion
is much sweeter than any fleeting rainbows


CousinSarah said...

rainbows are not necessary
as long as i can capture the moon
place it on this tongue
to taste rhythm
and ease these blues

This is my FAVORITE part of this tight AMAZING peice.

my coffee is always said...

Let's see where can I start? How about two comments.
- my favorite poem you've written, second only to the Veedub poem about your brother.
- if I didn't know you, i'd be fcking jealous! I mean:
ashamed was the new color
painted in streaks across her cheeks
the wildness began to leave her
hard to be yourself
when the ground was taught to be safer than the wind
and butterflies were meant for jars...
damn! can't wait to hear it off book.

Copasetic Soul said...

cant find a favorite part, the whole piece is dope....

where i am a spoken word artist, YOU my sister ARE a POET!

Angel said...

"...ashamed was the new color
painted in streaks across her cheeks
the wildness began to leave her
hard to be yourself
when the ground was taught to be safer than the wind
and butterflies were meant for jars..."

mmmm hmmmm...someone DEFINITELY has the writing bug! damn!



"the lil' girl with wild flowers
braided into her hair
bandages on unkissed knees
purple paint on her cheeks
because Grandmother said,
purple was the color of royalty"