Friday, August 27, 2010

i want to crawl into your mouth
into that space between sour and sweet
to taste the words you speak of me
swing like tarzan from your uvula
and do a tuck n roll upon your tongue
curl and vibrate against soft pallet
let me explore your ivory towers
your cracked foundations
and explore thy caves
to remember the sweetness

Friday, August 13, 2010

you wounded me
yet i don't know why
i loved you
perhaps more than you loved you
perhaps more than i loved me
not any longer
i am done.
my arms are tired of reaching between the blades
fingers nicked to the bone
did you acquired the taste of my own blood
more than yours?
did you enjoy the smell of my tears
since they reminded you of authentic?
what was it about me you hated so much?
what was it about you i loved so much?
let me count the ways...
i had your back
even when your bully eye was on mine
did the first cut cause you to salivate?
did the healing cause you to smile?
did curiosity make you crave the cut again?
i get it
but you never got me
cause i love you
and it sux that i still do.
funny thing is...
well its just funny i choose to write about this on THIS day.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Lookie what we are doing...

so finally got the travel blog up...check it is over there on side...Gypsy Travelz